A look at whats to come.

I want to give you a preview of what is coming over the next few weeks of my posts. This has a dual purpose. I’d like to get you excited about what you are going to be reading here but I’d also like to make sure that I am held accountable to getting the content out in the order that I have said I would. I have started some blog before and gotten lost in the content and jumped around too much. This has eventually led me to getting so confused about the direction of my blog that I eventually give up and stop writing. Because this is a topic i am so passionate about I want to make sure that I stick to it and stick to the schedule and topics I have set for myself. So here it is, the list of what I intend to cover over the next few weeks:

  • The different roles a teacher plays
  • The teacher and their role in the Syllabus
  • A look at the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)
  • Practical tips for teaching
  • How to keep your learners motivated
  • Different learning styles and strategies
  • Language Elements Part 1
  • Language Elements Part 2
  • Language Functions and Analysis
  • Let’s take a look at Grammar
  • How do we present Grammar

For those of you who have completed any kind of TEFL / TESOL course you will notice that this pretty much follows the same order of the modules within a TEFL course. The reason I am doing this is because I personally feel that while any TEFL course provides a good foundation for learning how to become a TEFL teacher they do not go in to detail enough. There is a serious gap in learning these different aspects and learning them practically. I’ll use a good example of looking at a Verb. I have seen the content of three or four different TEFL courses and while all of them tell you what a verb is, and then later tell you how to create a lesson plan they never quite give concrete examples of teaching a verb lesson.

Please be prepared that you will also find the same in the topics above. I want to lay a foundation for anyone reading this in very much the same way that it is done in a TEFL course with some expansion on the content. My goal in the end is that I lay down a solid foundation for you to reference and then expand at the end with practical ways to pull it all together.

Please subscribe and comment as much as possible letting me know if you feel that I am going off track or if I am not delivering what you expect. This is very much a place to share opinions, learn and discuss together what you think is the good, the bad and the ugly of the content within the TEFL universe.

2 thoughts on “A look at whats to come.

  1. Looks like a great list of blog ideas. I’ll be looking forward to reading them. I’ve been in the game for 13 years now and would be interested in picking up some new tips and ideas. I also have a lot of ideas and opinions on the above topics, so you can expect a few comments from me. Good luck, and happy Monday.


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